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Gang attack victim refused to help Police

A 21-year-old man was attacked by around ten people armed with machetes and baseball bats but refused to divulge information to the Police about the September 6 incident.

Problems such as this make it even harder for Bermuda Police Service to tackle head-on the rise in violent crime on the Island.

In this instance a proposed change in the law mentioned in the Throne Speech should provide a solution that allows a criminal prosecution to be carried out even if the victim does not lodge a formal complaint against his attackers.

Another area where Police face difficulties is in relation with sexual assaults. Only two days ago the Sexual Assault Response Team went public on concerns about the growing use of date rape drugs in sexual assaults and the reluctance of victims to come forward.

As Police revealed the latest crime statistics for the third quarter of 2006, they said in a statement: "On September 17 a female was sexually assaulted in a Devonshire home. She was unaware of what happened but the assault was witnessed by the home owner.

"On September 23 a 31-year-old female was sexually assaulted while she slept in her car on Middle Road, Paget."

A Police vehicle was damaged when it was hit by two Molotov cocktails whilst in Rambling lane, Pembroke, on September 22 on a community patrol.

But the Police have also enjoyed successes as with the apprehending of a small group of criminals operating in the East End of the Island who were breaking into homes and tourist properties, snatching handbags, and taking motorcycles, flat screen TVs and other electronic equipment. Police identified a developing pattern and eventually arrested three of the gang after a high speed chase and traffic collision.

Another prolific burglar of properties in Smith's parish was arrested and jailed for involvement in 20 burglaries.

The latest crime statistics for the third quarter of 2006 show:

[bul] 86 crimes of violence (In 2005 it was 70)

[bul] 70 thefts (2005 it was 73)

[bul] 316 burglaries (2005 it was 287)

[bul] 277 vehicle crimes (2005 it was 264)

[bul] 749 "benchmark" crimes (2005 it was 694)

Between July and September there were 207 arrests, of which 37 were drug related, 109 were in relation to warrants and 61 were classified as public order and other offences.