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Global climate change: Does our Premier really understand it?

Stuart Hayward

In two major national speeches, last year's Throne Speech and this week's First 100 Days Address, the Premier has left out two words: sustainable development.

It's a political phrase which represents policy on environment, expansion, and transportation.

Nonetheless, the Premier did reveal a soon-to-launch promotional campaign designed to get more Bermudians recycling.

He also acknowledged Bermuda's responsibility to help the world fight climate change.

Premier Brown said: "Attention to world events indicates that even we on this small island must have global environmental concerns.

"Bermuda must play its part in addressing environmental issues of the day."

It was the kind of language one might expect to appease a sceptical environmentalist, but it may have done the opposite for Stuart Hayward.

He said in an e-mail to The Royal Gazette: "It would appear the Premier doesn't understand the activities that contribute to global climate change.

"Given that the burning of fossil fuels is the greatest contributor to global climate change, Bermuda's high per capita consumption of fossil fuels in oversized vehicles (cars and motorcycles) and luxury accommodations (residential and tourist) are far more damaging contributors to global warming than the items we don't recycle."

Mr. Hayward was formerly a member of the Sustainable Development Roundtable, but when Premier Brown took office he did not renew Mr. Hayward's appointment.

The lifelong environmentalist was perhaps alluding to his lost Roundtable seat when he said: "We will need to judge his administration's environmental credentials by the way he has attempted to label and denigrate those who express environmental concerns (a contradiction to his words declaring that the 'dignity of all Bermudians will be respected'), and the real environmental actions."

Mr. Hayward's e-mail also encouraged the Premier to lead by example and put a recycling scheme in all Government departments.