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Govt. clarifies Simmons' position

Scott Simmons

The Ministry of Education last night dismissed claims new appointments could push its media team's combined salary to around $250,000 taxpayers' money.Acting Permanent Secretary Ellen-Kate Horton said new Communications Consultant Scott Simmons would only be in the job until December 31, during which time he would be paid about $30,000.Ms Horton also rejected media reports which suggested Mr. Simmons and Communications Officer Carla Zuill would soon be joined full-time on the Ministry's press desk by a third PR officer. She said Mr. Simmons was merely "filling an immediate gap" caused by the resignation of PR officer Gary Moreno earlier this month.On Tuesday night, Mr. Moreno now a ZBM news reporter filed a report saying the combined salaries of Ms Zuill, Mr. Simmons and his own replacement, currently being recruited, would be around $225,000 to $250,000. Ms Horton replied in a statement last night: "Mr. Simmons is working on a contractual basis for the Ministry from the period August 20 to December 31, 2007. The cost of his services will be around $30,000, not between $80,000 and $102,000 as speculated by the media."Mr. Simmons is being paid at that same rate which a communications officer who serves and ministry is paid. Thus, claims that this Ministry is paying between $225,000 and $250,000 for its communications are erroneous and mischievous."Last night, Bermuda Union of Teachers general secretary Mike Charles questioned why more than one press officer was needed in the Ministry in any case, saying the money would be better spent on increasing the number of teachers.Mr. Charles said: "If you are looking to spend on education, I would like it spent on education."I feel if you are going to spend the money, it could be spent on the students, on getting resources for the students in the form of teachers or supplies. It could be money that could be spent on something much more important for Bermuda's children. We need lots of music teachers."Regarding Mr. Simmons, Mr. Charles said: "It doesn't affect education in any way. He's come in as a PR person. I thought they already had one in Carla Zuill. It begs the question: why another one? Maybe the Ministry is using them for different purposes."I know Ms Zuill works closely in the Ministry itself. I don't know what Mr. Simmons is going to add. "Responding, Ms Horton said Mr. Simmons would be primarily responsible for handling all communications pertaining to the Hopkins Report." In light of the staff shortages at the Department of Communication and Information with the recent resignation of public affairs officer Gary Moreno, it would be extremely difficult for Ms Zuill to properly service the Ministry's over 10,000 stakeholders," she said." As a result of DCI currently undergoing a staff shortage, resources are stretched in light of existing officers already managing several ministries each under their portfolios."Education Minister Randolph Horton also responded to claims from the Opposition that three people in the communications team seemed to be excessive and that former Progressive Labour Party spokesman Mr. Simmons was a political appointment."We are not being excessive at all," said Mr. Horton. "The Department of Communications and Information is stretched and our existing officer cannot do it all by herself. Mr. Simmons' appointment is not a political one."