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Govt. gives grants to environmental projects

The new Minister of the Environment Elvin James has handed out more than $33,000 to five organisations who try to make a positive difference to the environment.

Mr. James handed out grants from the Environmental Grant Scheme which was launched in 2003, and which is designed to support individuals, community groups, schools and non-Governmental organisations (NGOs) in carrying out projects that will help to highlight, preserve and restore the Island's natural environment.

The Ministry allocates $100,000 each year toward this programme and has awarded various projects that have contributed to the restoration, conservation, preservation and enhancement of Bermuda's environment since 2003.

Environmental education and awareness are also supported through the awards scheme, which continues to attract broad interest from many individuals and organisations. Each of the recipients will be required to submit two six-monthly progress reports and to demonstrate financial accountability.

The recipients were:

Greenrock — for its efforts in raising environmental awareness and taking direct action to reduce Bermuda's impact on global warming was awarded $5,000.

Gerry Wilmot was awarded $10,000 to continue his efforts in creating a goat dairy.

The Bermuda National Trust was awarded $3,193 for its Monofilament recovery and recycling programme.

The Institute of Bermuda Architects was awarded $5,000 for its Sustainable Architecture Lectures.

Global Arts Entertainment Foundation was awarded $10,000 to develop its prototype rainwater catchment system at CedarBridge.