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Kim Swan urges full safety for Club Med implosion

Opposition Leader Kim Swan last night urged Government to ensure the planned implosion of Club Med is carried out under strict safety conditions.

Mr. Swan said the United Bermuda Party welcomed the news — announced on Friday by Works and Engineering Minister Derrick Burgess — that the former hotel would be razed to the ground this summer after almost two decades of standing derelict.

But he said the demolition had to be carried out carefully to ensure the safety of local residents in the East End.

"Our concerns stem primarily from the presence of asbestos in the hotel building which creates a potentially serious health hazard for site workers and residents who may be downwind of any dust created," said Mr. Swan.

"In this regard, we are pleased to hear that the Government will canvass area residents as part of its project preparations."

Mr. Swan, the Shadow Tourism Minister, said Government needed to secure an independent inspector to certify that the building is asbestos-free before the implosion.

He said studies should also be conducted to ensure Forts Albert and Victoria, as well as the tunnels on the hotel site, are not damaged by any fresh building works.

And the St. George's West MP called for a plan to make sure heavy trucks moving materials to and from the site do not damage fragile town buildings and infrastructure.

"St. George's value as a World Heritage Site depends on the preservation of its buildings and it is vitally important that the Government take measures to protect that vital legacy," said Mr. Swan.

Government plans to hand over a clean site to developer Bazarian International on December 31 this year, ahead of the creation of a multi-million dollar Park Hyatt hotel, residence complex and golf course.