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Make police station revamp a priority, says UBP's Swan

An MP has called for renovations to St George’s Police station to be prioritised so it can re-open as soon as possible.

The York Street station has been shut since January 2 for renovations, with Policing for the area currently provided by officers from the Southside station.

United Bermuda Party Senator Kim Swan, who is from the town, expressed concern this week that he could not see specific provision in the latest budget figures for the project.

He also complained that the renovation plans had not been made public. “Reports are that although the building structure is sound, the interior renovations needed are substantive. Fire and safety considerations warrant an additional access, and termite-infested woodwork requires replacing,” claimed the Senator.

He said that if funding for the project exists under the umbrella category of the Works & Engineering Major Building Upgrades Projects part of the budget book, then he would like the details made public, plus a timetable for the renovations.

“With the already increasing numbers of residents who now live east of the bridge together with the community’s concern with crime, we need to ensure that Government places the renovation of the St. George’s Police Station on the top of its list of priorities,” he said.

In response, Dr. Derrick Binns, Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Works and Engineering, confirmed that the funding did indeed fall under the Major Buildings Upgrade allocation of the budget.

A structural assessment of the building has been undertaken, he said, and the discussions are ongoing with the Police as to the scope of the project.

He said that no specfic figure or timetable for the renovations is available at the present time.

A Police spokesman declined an invitation to comment.