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Media criticised for missing team's arrival

The Shadow Minister of Community and Cultural Affairs, has attacked the media for not highlighting the return of the under-19 cricket team on Tuesday.

Darius Tucker stood in the motion to adjourn in the House of Assembly on Wednesday to rapturous approval on the other side of the house, to berate the lack of coverage by the Island's media of the team's arrival.

The under-19 team left the Island last month to first play in India and then in Malaysia in the under-19 World Cup. One team member, Chris Douglas, was sent home early for his temperamental behaviour.

However, Mr. Tucker lambasted the press for covering the negative stories, but failing to be at the Bermuda International Airport, like he was, to welcome others home.

He said: "I just rise at this point because I had the pleasure of being at the Airport and I thought it was a disgrace there was nobody there to see the team.

"The Minister was there. The director of Youth and Sport was there. These men had done something amazing and for the press to not have been there to receive them and not ask them what their experience was like.

"I think the press has done them a disservice. When there's something good like something of these under-19 there's no one there to support them."

Shouts of approval and Premier Ewart Brown saying "the people have a right to know" met Mr. Tucker's comments.