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Mistake leads to confusion over proroguing of Parliament

A half-page advert announcing the ending of the session of parliament had the public flustered yesterday with some wrongly thinking it meant an election had been called.

The proclamation on page 21 of The Royal Gazette detailed how Acting Governor Mark Capes had 'prorogued the legislature' after advice from the Premier.

That the date given — Friday November 2 — was due to be the start of the new session added fuel to the fire for those who thought Bermuda was finally heading for the polls after months of election speculation.

However many missed the smaller advert on page seven announcing the convening of Parliament.

It's understood Government had missed getting both those adverts placed together in the Wednesday's Bermuda Sun where it normally places official announcements and so tried late Wednesday to make amends in The Royal Gazette's Thursday edition.

Assistant Cabinet Secretary Judith Hall-Bean said no one had called to complain although Opposition MP John Barritt said he had fielded a lot of calls about the confusion.

Ms Hall-Bean could not explain why the adverts had not been published in Wednesday's Bermuda Sun but she said the later adverts were placed in The Royal Gazette to give people more warning about the re-opening of Parliament.

"There is nothing sinister."

Mr. Barritt said the formal closing of the old session, which in reality stopped in July, and the starting of the new one were done together to keep the principle of an unbroken parliament.