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New stamp issue commemorates Scouting

Six postal stamps have been unveiled by the Bermuda Philatelic Bureau to commemorate 100 years of Scouting as well as the one-hundred-and-fiftieth birthday of Lord Baden Powell, the founder of Scouting.

It was officially announced on Thursday, as the 'Scouting 2007 commemorative stamps,' and represents the fourth commemorative stamp issue for the year.

This collection continues the Bermuda Post Office's efforts to portray all facets of Bermuda's heritage, culture and history, Government said.

The stamps represent the following: 35c stamp, Bishop's Own Cubs at Government House; 70c stamp, Lord Baden Powell inspecting Cubs, Front Street Hamilton; 85c stamp, Scouts on parade, Front Street Hamilton; $1.10 stamp, Dance of Kaa, Government House Souvenir Sheet; $1.25 stamp, Bermuda Scout Badge; $2.00 stamp, Lord Baden Powell inspecting Cubs, Front Street Hamilton.

Orders may be prepaid for collection or mailing on the day of issue at the General Post Office in Hamilton or any sub-Post Office.