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November 14 is deadline for voter registration

Voters will have a week from today to make sure they are registered to vote.The Parliamentary Registry office on Reid Street will be open on Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. to compensate for the public holiday on Monday.Electors can also make sure they are properly registered by checking their details on website www.elections.gov.bm — however, this time around a birth date is required to deter snoopers from poking around.

Voters will have a week from today to make sure they are registered to vote.

The Parliamentary Registry office on Reid Street will be open on Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. to compensate for the public holiday on Monday.

Electors can also make sure they are properly registered by checking their details on website www.elections.gov.bm — however, this time around a birth date is required to deter snoopers from poking around.

Parliamentary Registrar Randy Scott said yesterday that the official election proclamation would be documented today.

Those wanting to register for the first time and who got their Bermudian status by grant would need to bring their status certificate while those who changed their name by marriage would have to bring supporting documentation.

After the seven-day deadline no more names can be added although objections can be made about names which should not be there.

For more details call 293-8683.