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Southampton native Zane Desilva is optimistic of victory

Zane Desilva

His first job was washing dishes at the popular Henry VII Restaurant and Pub in Southampton East Central, and perhaps if he wins the seat in December he will throw a victory party where it all began.

Zane Desilva, 49, runs The Island Construction company and is running for the Progressive Labour Party this election.

He joined the party nearly eight years ago but said he has long supported the party and believes it represents his personal philosophy.

The father of two has been hitting the doors of his 1,211 voters since he was the second PLP candidate to be rolled out in May, he is one of only two white candidates running for the PLP.

"As far as being a white PLP candidate I've had a really positive response," he said. "Though Bermudians are known for being gracious to all candidates that come to their door I would say I have been well received. I guess we will have to wait and see when the results come in."

Mr. Desilva grew up on Scenic Heights Road, but now lives in Devonshire, he said the main problems in the constituency were roads and lighting.

Some of his constituents have complained that there is crime in the area.

In his PLP promotional pamphlet he is credited with being focused on "budgetary procedure and cost control and has been responsible for the successful delivery of many large projects".

He described himself as "approachable, accessible and motivated".

And though his opponent has 13 years experience of being an MP Mr. Desilva said he has a "grass roots background" which lends itself to politics.

"I think it is an advantage for him but I have walked every area of this constituency and I am optimistic," he said.

Some of the constituents The Royal Gazette spoke with said they were concerned about Mr. Desilva's alleged involvement in the BHC scandal.

Mr. Desilva was named by the Mid-Ocean Newspaper as another prominent person investigated as part of the Police probe into corruption at BHC.

But yesterday he said no one has asked him about it or mentioned the allegations of corruption while he made his rounds.

And he added that the Southampton East Central branch have been extremely supportive, "like a second family".

He added that Raymond Tannock — who ran in the last election and was chosen to run in this election by the branch originally before the PLP central party placed Mr. Desilva in the seat — had been out canvassing with him.

Mr. Desilva has also sponsored the Bermuda Cricket Board of Control, the Bermuda Football Association and the Bermuda Junior Golf Association.

And Mr. DeSilva said he had been active in the Bermuda Track and Field Association, had formed the West End Running Club and has been associated with numerous workmen's club as well as the Bermuda Snooker Association. He's also a golfing buddy of the Premier.