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Swan vows to work for all as he's sworn in

Leader Kim Swan speaks to the media at Government House after being officially recognised as Leader of the Opposition by Governor Sir Richard Gozney.

Kim Swan yesterday vowed to work for 'all of Bermuda's people' as he was officially sworn in as the new leader of the Opposition United Bermuda Party.

Mr. Swan was sworn in by the new Governor Sir Richard Gozney at a ceremony at Government House yesterday morning.

Afterwards he said he was humbled by the appointment and gave thanks to people who had supported him along the way to becoming party leader.

He added: "Mine was a long journey but I learned the real meaning of humility when I read about a far more difficult journey by Nelson Mandela ¿ but the life and example of Nelson Mandela can certainly be a lesson to us all ¿ of how to heal thyself.

"I am emotional here today ¿ as I feel the presence of those on whose shoulders I stood, more importantly, the spirit of the late P.c. Hubert E.E. Swan, my father who served with distinction in this very Government House for 15 years under numerous Governors ranging from Governor Sir Edwin Leather to Governor David Waddington, is here with me today.

"I accept my constitutional responsibilities here today knowing that I still have very much growing to do, life is a work in progress. And as I venture into uncharted waters with a talented group of men and women, I pledge to work for All of Bermuda's People, and be the Opposition that this country needs, a Constitutional Role that is vital and important.

"In closing, I thank you all for being here with me today ¿ tomorrow is not promised to any of us, so I will live each day to the fullest and do all that I can to help heal this Great Country ¿ Our Beloved Bermuda. I am proud to be the Leader of the United Bermuda Party and I will serve my country with a Loving Heart!"