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Taking the fight to diabetes

Joint effort: Kent Smith, from Allied World Assurance, and Trevor Medeiros, chairman of Bermuda Diabetes Association, during the official opening of the diabetes association research centre at Beacon House, Hamilton.

A dedicated diabetes centre has opened as health bosses attempt to get to grips with growing numbers of patients suffering the disease.

People can get their blood sugar tested and pick up supplies of insulin and syringes at the Diabetes Resource Centre, while patients without adequate insurance coverage can get financial assistance from Bermuda Diabetes Association.

It is based at Beacon House, Beacon Street, Hamilton, and was officially opened last week by Kent Smith, chairman of Allied World Assurance Company's charity committee, its main donor.

Late last year, figures revealed up to 9,000 Bermudians have been diagnosed with the illness — 13 percent of the population, almost double the rate of the US.

Meanwhile nurses say they have seen ten- to 12-year-old diabetics who have contracted Type Two diabetes because their weight has been allowed to soar to 300 pounds.

Experts say the Island suffers higher diabetes rates than the US partly because the genetic make-up of its population, which means more people are likely to inherit the illness. Bermuda Diabetes Association said in a statement: "With more and more people being diagnosed with diabetes every day in Bermuda this facility is essential for the well being of our diabetes community."

At the centre, pharmacist Hilary Evans Turner dispenses medications weekdays. She is also available for private consultations for anyone needing help understanding diabetes, medication or choosing the best meter or pair of socks designed for sufferers.

Visitors can also read publications related to diabetes, while bi-monthly foot screenings are available by a podiatrist.

Support for the project has come from Allied World Assurance, Butterworth Associates, XL, the Bermuda Society for the Blind and the Corporation of Hamilton. The Long Riders Motorcycle Club's 48-hour ride for diabetes last year raised $18,000 towards costs.

The dispensary is open from 8.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Monday to Friday. Private consultations may be arranged in weekday afternoons. Telephone 297-8427 or 29-SUGAR for more information.