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Warden says big dog owners need to be more responsible

Dog wardens and Police yesterday urged owners to keep their pets under control following the horrific attack on Stanley the cockapoo.

Stanley was yesterday still fighting for his life after a large dog — thought to be a pit bull — ripped the skin off the whole of one side of his body last Wednesday.

The incident, in Bailey's Bay, came about a month after a similar attack on a small dog by a different pit bull, also in Hamilton Parish.

Bermuda Police Service's animal protection officer Yvonne Ricca told The Royal Gazette yesterday: "It comes down to the responsibility of the owner to make sure the dog is secured at all times. They run out of their yard, and that's it.

"Pit bulls are known to target other animals, that's just their bloodline. Other dogs are more prone to attack people."

Bermuda's head dog warden Jeffrey Benevides said: "People need to be responsible for their dogs. If they have a powerful dog, take precautions."

Depending on the investigation, the owner of the offending dog could face court action and a fine.

Stanley's owner Sandra Curtis has called for it to be put down, but such a move is unlikely to be enforced because this is thought to be the first time it has attacked. However, some owners whose pets attack voluntarily have them put down.

Mrs. Curtis has previously told how the dog came bounding up the road and grabbed Stanley in its jaw, while she and her husband tried to fend it off.

The offending animal was eventually pulled free by a family member of its owner.

She gave this update on Stanley's condition yesterday: "I have just spoken with the doctor and Stanley is out of surgery.

"He had a large piece of dead skin removed leaving a large open wound on his back. As there remains no more skin to stretch, the wound now must heal on its own.

"The biggest fear is bacterial infection. Stanley will remain in hospital another week and if all goes well, he'll be home next week ... and I'll be his new nurse!"