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Vendors, locals and tourists agree that the weekly summertime St. George's street festival should be moved back to King's Square from its current location in Water Street.

The Royal Gazette asked for comments from people about the location of the Market Nights event which was moved to Water Street this year for the first time.

One lady, Crystal, said her family did not go to the weekly event after it was moved and added: "Don't fix something that was working successfully. The people did not come and the numbers dropped. Admit it."

Lynn Somner, a St. George's resident all her life, said: "If Mr. (Steven) Hollis wants to put the vendors on Water Street, he should consider having some on the square and some up to Boyles Shoe shop, not all the way up Water Street."

Vendor Jerry Friday said many vendors packed up shop because they weren't making money and thinks the festival committee needs to be ousted.

"They have totally destroyed in one summer what many vendors and volunteers have built up over the last decade".

Visitor Pat Archambault, a regular cruiser to Bermuda with her husband said: "We were really disappointed this past summer to see the festival was no longer in the Town Square but moved up to Water Street.

"We used to love dancing in the square to the different bands and walking around shopping at the different vendors".

Fellow visitors Daryl Brown said: "Lining the narrow sides of Water Street would seem to defeat the whole purpose of a large gathering. Why not have the Hamilton Harbour Nights celebration in Washington Lane if one wanted a close intimate celebration?"