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Why be Police Commissioner?

Primary and middle school students will have the opportunity to imagine being Police Commissioner for a day by entering an essay competition. As part of the Bermuda Police Service's week-long celebration of 128 years of service, the essay competition will be a part of the social events.

The service is encouraging each student to write an essay of 100 words of less saying why they would like to be Commissioner of Police for a day. The winning entries will be chosen by a diverse committee.

On Wednesday, October 31, the top eight entries will shadow eight senior Police officers for the day. The celebration week will take place October 27 to November 3.

According to a press release, the goal of Police week is to unify the community and the Police thought interaction at various levels including the essay competition and various social events.

All entries should be sent to pmr[AT]bps.bm by Friday, October 19.