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Bermuda to chair ferry group

Countries around the world are to learn about Bermuda's fast ferry service after the Island was asked to chair the committee of an international public transportation group.

The International Association of Public Transport (UITP) has invited Bermuda to head its waterborne transport committee and may hold once of its twice-yearly meetings here in the future.

Premier and Transport Minister Ewart Brown said that the request was an honour. "I am very proud that Bermuda has received recognition from the UITP for the successful development of our ferry service," he said.

"With the committee's representatives from Istanbul, London, Hong Kong, Venice and Stockholm, it's a real compliment for little Bermuda to be selected to lead such an important international committee."

Larry Jacobs, Government's Transportation Coordinator, will take on the chairmanship. He said: "Bermuda was selected because of the comprehensive approach we took in planning and developing our high-speed ferry service.

"The international community has observed that we are developing a fast, comfortable and efficient ferry system that is a true alternative to the private car."

Lindsey Barry, the waterborne transport committee's manager, said: "What Bermuda has accomplished is being recognised by the UITP and other transport operators throughout the world.

"In particular, the planning process that was followed is of great interest to our members, as are the unique operating conditions Bermuda faces due to your locale in the Atlantic."