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Conscription review promised by UBP

The United Bermuda Party places a high value on youth, sport and culture in Bermuda, according to their election platform, released yesterday.

Should they be elected on December 18, the Island can expect professionally staffed and funded youth centres in key neighbourhoods to provide attractive development activities to young people, particularly at risk young men.

And to the pleasure of those young people who've complained there's nothing to do in Bermuda, the UBP promises a complete youth centre in St. David's.

Also, a broad review of the Bermuda Regiment is planned, including operations and conscription policy to ensure that it is meeting the current social and security needs of the community.

Then there's the party's national agenda for sport.

They've pledged to establish a commission to a national agenda for sport to help guide the government and sporting organisations to the best decisions for out young people and for the future of sports in Bermuda.

And should the party be successful at the polls the Island can expect the development of a Bermuda endowment for the arts and culture to provide both individual artists and cultural organisations with financial assistance.

Other major pledges are:

• The creation of a non-partisan committee to develop, with public input, the criteria to decide who should be honoured, in terms of Bermudians who have made important contributions to the community.

• The preservation of the May 24 holiday as Bermuda Day and to move National Heroes Day to another date.

• Ensuring that all national sporting organisations submit current audited accounts.

• Ensuring that community service is required for secondary school graduation.

• The establishment of a national sports code of conduct for athletes' behaviour during local and overseas competition and while representing Bermuda.