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Men arrested after fight outside Splash nightclub

Two men have been arrested after a man was knocked out in a fight outside a Hamilton nightclub.Revellers alerted patrol Police to an injured man lying outside Splash, Bermudiana Road, in the early hours of Saturday.Police said the victim, a 26-year-old Smith's man, had been involved in a fight.

Two men have been arrested after a man was knocked out in a fight outside a Hamilton nightclub.

Revellers alerted patrol Police to an injured man lying outside Splash, Bermudiana Road, in the early hours of Saturday.

Police said the victim, a 26-year-old Smith's man, had been involved in a fight.

He regained consciousness and was taken to hospital with a suspected head injury before he was released.

The suspect, a 32-year-old St. George's man, was found across the street caught up a scuffle with another man and was arrested by officers.

Another man, a 27-year-old from Paget, was also held on suspicion of affray.

Witnesses to the 3.50 a.m. disturbance should call Police on 295-0011.