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New Premier creates press secretary post

scott simmons

Ewart Brown has created a new publicly-funded press secretary post in Government — leaving the Progressive Labour Party without a public relations officer.

Scott Simmons told The Royal Gazette <$>yesterday that he had been appointed as the new Premier’s press secretary, meaning he can no longer serve in his executive role with the PLP.

He said: “I have accepted an offer from the Premier to serve as his press secretary. That’s an appointed position by the Premier. It’s outlined that it’s paid by the Government.”

The role of press secretary to former Premier Alex Scott was held by Beverle Lottimore, who carried out the duty in addition to her role as the Government’s Director of Communication and Information and was not paid any extra for it.

She remains in charge of the Department of Communication and Information.

Mr. Simmons is in the process of setting up his office at the Cabinet Office. The 39-year-old expectant father said: “In due course Bermuda will be made aware, I’m sure, through the office of the Premier, a full outline of what the office means.

“I believe it is in keeping with the new Premier, who is absolutely committed to transparency and involving people in his Government and making sure that they, on a minute-to-minute basis, are aware of what their Government is doing and how it benefits them and how they can be involved.”

Mr. Simmons has given up his job with a local family-run construction firm to take up the press secretary post.

At Friday evening’s annual PLP conference he declined to be nominated as public relations officer, a post he has held since 2003. He said delegates did not choose anyone else.

“It will no doubt be addressed by the central committee,” he said. “I have been very gratified serving the Progressive Labour Party and wish the new public relations officer all the best.”

He said he would continue to serve on the Broadcasting Commission, the Tourism Board and the Works and Engineering Board.

Asked if she was disappointed to lose the press secretary role, Ms Lottimore said yesterday: “With this Premier, he has made changes across the board and he needs to feel comfortable that all those in his inner sanctum are people that he’s comfortable with and I respect that.”

Her department will shortly be up to full strength when two newly-appointed public affairs officers begin work.

They are Robin Holder, currently a business reporter on The Royal Gazette <$>and Magnus Henagulph.

Friday night’s PLP conference saw David Burt elected as new party chairman.

The rest of the executive comprises Delroy O’Brien as deputy chairman; Linda Merritt as secretary general; Deborah Tannock as assistant secretary general correspondence; Anthony Santucci as assistant secretary general/membership; Sandra Gilbert as treasurer; Charles Clarke as assistant treasurer; Carmen Cyrus as party organiser; Dawn Simmons as assistant party organiser; Pauulu Kamarakafego (Roosevelt Brown) as political education officer and Belinda Cyrus as secretary.

Mr. Burt said a new public relations officer would be appointed in the near future.