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Opposition backs keeping 'Bermuda Day'

The Opposition yesterday welcomed Government's decision to drop the renaming of Bermuda Day as 'National Heroes Day'.

Minister of Culture and Social Rehabilitation Dale Butler announced the U-turn on Wednesday, saying that "public outcry" led Government to reconsider.

"Having heard the outcry, we listened carefully and decided 'no', we would look at another day," said Mr. Butler.

Government will now consult business leaders and other key stakeholders to explore an alternative date for the public holiday.

It originally announced the renaming of the May 24 Bermuda Day holiday as 'National Heroes Day' five months ago, with Dame Lois Browne Evans the first person to be honoured.

It followed a pledge by Premier Dr. Ewart Brown to a PLP rally in July that Government would dedicate a public holiday to the groundbreaking politician.

The proposal to rename Bermuda Day however, provoked a strong reaction among the public who wanted to keep May 24 as 'our day'.

Yesterday, the UBP also said the national holiday was "cherished" among Bermudians.

Shadow Minister for Community and Cultural Affairs, Darius Tucker, said: "My colleagues and I would like to express our approval of the Government's decision to drop its plan to rename Bermuda Day 'National Heroes Day'.

"We proposed the concept of a National Heroes Day in a submission to the Ministry of Community and Cultural Affairs last August and were disappointed, as were many people across the community, when the Government decided to use the May 24 Bermuda Day holiday to celebrate National Heroes Day.

"We are therefore pleased the Government has recognised the concerns and disappointment with that decision. We are also pleased it has pledged to consult with stakeholders on other possible calendar dates for National Heroes Day.

"It is vital for the health of our democracy that we have a government that does not make decisions in isolation; that it consults and listens."

Mr. Tucker said: "The importance of Bermuda Day cannot be underestimated.

"After Cup Match, it is perhaps the most anticipated holiday on the Island. It is a day when we celebrate our heritage and our cultural diversity.

"It starts with the racing from Somerset, fitted dinghies on the water, and culminates with a parade through the streets of Hamilton, all witnessed by thousands.

"To have supplanted May 24 with a National Heroes Day, or even to layer it atop Bermuda Day, would have diluted and diminished that cherished holiday.

"We in the United Bermuda Party continue to support the idea of a National Heroes Day in which we pay tribute to those who made Bermuda what it is today.