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Picture of audacity

Brazen Harrison Isaac Jr asked former Premier Alex Scott and his wife Olga to pose for this picture with Teketa Thompkins (left) at Cup Match 2003.

Little did Mr. Scott know that Isaac was already looting money from his Government, and his girlfriend Thompkins would start receiving the stolen cash just days later.

Isaac, who stole $2 million over eight months from May 2003, boasted during the Thompkins trial that he introduced her to Mr. Scott.

"The Premier has known me since I was a child. He knows my father," he said. And he went on to brag: "I worked with him for two years in the Government of Bermuda. He took a special interest in me and asked about me, and now I was able to tell him what I was doing — my businesses."

However, Mr. Scott told this newspaper he did not know the pair — but would generally pose for photos if people asked.

"I would not be able to pick them out of a line-up," he remarked.