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Prince William sailing to Bermuda - report

Prince William is on his way to Bermuda, according to a British newspaper.The Mirror tabloid has reported that the British royal will stop off in Bermuda on a Royal Navy mission to stop cocaine smuggling in the Caribbean. Drug running in the region is a growing problem, with islands such as Trinidad and Tobago being used as stop-off points for South American narcotics en route to the US and Europe.Last year, Royal Navy vessels seized more than 3.5 tonnes of drugs, but in 2006 up to 19.4 tonnes were recovered.

Prince William is on his way to Bermuda, according to a British newspaper.

The Mirror tabloid has reported that the British royal will stop off in Bermuda on a Royal Navy mission to stop cocaine smuggling in the Caribbean. Drug running in the region is a growing problem, with islands such as Trinidad and Tobago being used as stop-off points for South American narcotics en route to the US and Europe.

Last year, Royal Navy vessels seized more than 3.5 tonnes of drugs, but in 2006 up to 19.4 tonnes were recovered.

According to The Mirror, Prince William – a qualified pilot, will join Navy patrols against the drug cartels in what is being seen as a less risky exercise than sending the second heir to the throne on active duty in Iraq or Afghanistan.

The newspaper states: "Both Clarence House and Armed Forces chiefs want William, 25, to gain experience as an officer in all three services and he will soon complete his four-month stint with the RAF.

"A senior military source said last night: 'Everyone agrees he needs operational experience and to feel he is playing a vital role. As a possible future King it is essential for everyone in the Armed Forces to see he is doing his bit. But there are security issues with him going to Iraq or Afghanistan as he is a massive al Qaeda target.

'The Caribbean on a warship is an ideal tour as it has operational potential and works diplomatically. Local island governors will be very pleased to see a royal visiting them.'

The article adds: "His ship will also be securing the safety from invasion of British Caribbean Islands such as Bahamas, Barbados and Bermuda."