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UBP: Create a park for heroes

Bermuda's national heroes should be celebrated with a group of statutes in a park or walkway say the Opposition United Bermuda Party.

And the UBP have called for the new law courts, being erected in Court Street, to be named after former Attorney General Dame Lois Browne Evans who died in May.

UBP Leader Michael Dunkley told a press conference his party recognised the value in celebrating people who have helped shaped Bermuda's history.

In May the Ministry of Community and Cultural Affairs invited people to submit ideas on how the Dame's memory could be commemorated.

Mr. Dunkley said: "It seemed to us that the one common denominator throughout Dame Lois' life was that she was a champion for justice.

"It is therefore part of the submission of the United Bermuda Party that the new law court building, when it is completed, be named in her honour."

And Senator Bob Richards said discussions on the Dame had led the UBP caucus to put forward the idea of a broader plan to celebrate national heroes.

"After a lively and enthusiastic discussion, we settled on a Heroes Park or Walkway where we could erect over time statues and plaques commemorating the lives of great Bermudians.

"We think it would be a fascinating addition to one of our city parks, such as Par-la-Ville Park or Victoria Park."

The UBP called for a non-partisan Heroes Committee to decide who should be honoured.