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UBP repeats call for Development Plan

The United Bermuda Party last night repeated calls for a National Development Plan to rein in the recent acceleration in hotel development.In a ten minute broadcast to the nation, Shadow Environment Minister Cole Simons; Jeff Sousa, party candidate for Warwick South East; and Roderick Simons, candidate for Warwick South Central, avoided direct criticism of the Government and instead called for measures to "discipline" any future resort plans.The programme featured the three men strolling along the South Shore, emphasising the need to preserve Bermuda as a "garden paradise". It was broadcast in response to Government approval of the Special Development Order for Southlands and the recent SDO for Grand Atlantic Resort and Residences, on the neighbouring Golden Hind Site. Shadow Environment Minister Mr. Simons said: "We as Bermudians live in a garden paradise, a garden paradise which has sustained us for centuries, and that is what we must retain for Bermuda."We need to be more disciplined as to how we address development in this country. So many people forget that our island is smaller than Disney World, so we don't have the land mass other jurisdictions have."He said: "We must build on brownfield areas, areas which have already been built on. We must protect the green land we have now. "We do not have a National Development Plan but when we talk about developing Bermuda it makes sense to have a blueprint for the next decade."It would tell us how our land is to be used and it would also address hotel development."Without a plan we can't move forward properly and efficiently. It would be like building a hotel here and one there, it would be chaos. What we're proposing is a disciplined approach to Bermuda's development."Let's get the National Development Plan done, and ensure that all of Bermuda buys into this Plan. We want Bermuda to be successful as well (in tourism), but at the same time we must find the balance between the environment and economic sustainability."Roderick Simons added: "We don't have the luxury to make a mistake. When you drive up and down the South Shore Road it's a tranquil drive, and to destroy that green environment we are blessed with, it would be a shame."We believe the nature reserve at Southlands should be preserved for future generations."He also asked: "What is being done at Morgan's Point? It has beaches and it has parkland. Why not make that a public park, a place where people can go to enjoy themselves, and enjoy family time." Jeff Sousa commented on the opposition to the 497-bed resort among Warwick's residents."So many of the people who live in those neighbouring homes do not want to see a hotel development. They're already looking at Warwick as the most densely populated area in Bermuda," he said.He added that in giving the 37-acre South Shore resort the green light, Government had shown a "total disrespect" of the neighbouring residents. He said: "We need to listen to the people."Mr. Sousa said: "People come to Bermuda for its natural beauty. We must protect its natural beauty. People will stop coming here if it's going to be a concrete jungle."Shadow minister Mr. Simons told viewers: "The main message we want to convey is we need to protect our island paradise. We all as individuals all have a responsibility to do our bit in our neighbourhoods and we as government need to have a disciplined approach when developing this country and preserving Bermuda's beauty. We need to ensure it's beauty for the next generation. "We as custodians of this country must ensure that the beauty of Bermuda today is preserved for future generations."Mr. Simons said although the UBP wanted to encourage hotels and tourism, he wanted to see a more careful approach to development. "We need a robust economy but in so doing, as protectors, we need to ensure our land is used with discipline," he said.