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Council Partners back focus on drugs

group dedicated to combating the problem.Premier the Hon. David Saul told Sandys Rotary Club on Wednesday night he wanted to bring peace and tranquility to the Island and would wage a war agaist drugs and crime.

group dedicated to combating the problem.

Premier the Hon. David Saul told Sandys Rotary Club on Wednesday night he wanted to bring peace and tranquility to the Island and would wage a war agaist drugs and crime.

Yesterday Council Partners Campaign chairwoman Mrs. Katherine Watson said the Premier's promise of an outright attack on drugs would be fully supported by the group's members.

"We are heartened that the commitment to waging war on drugs, established during the former Premier Sir John Swan's tenure, is being renewed by Dr.

Saul,'' added Mrs. Watson.

"This issue is a priority for our community. In fact the overwhelming success of our fundraising campaign is testament to the importance the community places on fighting drugs.'' The Council is made up of the Fair Havens, Focus, PRIDE, the Lions Quest programme and the Council on Alcohol and Drug Abuse.

They have joined together to in a five-year, $5 million fundraising campaign with money raised used to meet the costs of the members' programmes. So far $4.5 million has been raised.

Dr. Saul also stated that he fully backed the new Police Commissioner, Mr.

Colin Coxall.

"We also endorse Dr. Saul's support for Mr. Coxall,'' added Mrs. Watson. "We have been meeting with him since his arrival in Bermuda and are most impressed with his focused and strategic approach to this issue from the point of view of both supply and demand.''