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DAB to weigh Wonderland Caves proposal

been resubmitted to the Development Applications Board.Wilkinson Estates Ltd. reapplied to open the cave -- adjacent to Crystal Caves on Wilkinson Avenue, Hamilton Parish -- this week.

been resubmitted to the Development Applications Board.

Wilkinson Estates Ltd. reapplied to open the cave -- adjacent to Crystal Caves on Wilkinson Avenue, Hamilton Parish -- this week.

The development ran into trouble earlier this year when the owners started installing a new lighting system, and the DAB refused permission for a pathway through the woodland reserve.

Wilkinson Estates hopes to have the cave opened by April next year. The Crystal Caves ticketing office, restrooms, and gift shop will be shared between the two facilities.

The Wonderland Cave was discovered in 1907 by Arthur Haycock who operated the site for most of the century.

It sits on a .043 site which is zoned open space, woodland reserve, and is a known cave site.