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Developers' caution welcomed

hotel developers to put their plans on hold until after the General Election.----

hotel developers to put their plans on hold until after the General Election.

---- Page 3 VOYAGE INTO THE PAST SLG Voyage into the past Anyone with a little spirit of adventure and the desire to experience life on the open seas is invited to climb aboard the HM Endeavour for a voyage into the past. ---- Page 7 SPORTS IN CONGRESS SPOTLIGHT CON TVL TOU Sports in Congress spotlight Some 5,000 travel agents are getting a taste this week of what Bermuda has to offer between November and March. ---- Page 7 DUTCHMAN FIRES EARLY WARNING GLF Dutchman fires early warning Dutchman Chris Van der Velde fired a three-under par 68 to serve notice that he intends making up for his Bermuda Open disappointment last year. ---- Sport, Page 25 CRISIS THREATENS BANK REVENUES BUC Crisis threatens bank revenues Bermuda's banks could face reduced revenues as a result of the turmoil in global markets, a market analyst has noted. But that is just one way that uncertainties in international markets can seriously affect the Bermuda economy. ---- Business, Page 34