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Dogs shatter Theo's dream for pet rabbit

of vicious dogs that dragged it from its hutch.Young Theo was planning to enter "TT'', his dwarf rabbit, in the Ag Show later this month.

of vicious dogs that dragged it from its hutch.

Young Theo was planning to enter "TT'', his dwarf rabbit, in the Ag Show later this month.

But late Saturday night three dogs jumped into his backyard in Cedar Park, Devonshire, tore the door from TT's hutch and ran off with their screaming victim.

Theo's mother Mrs. Beverly-Ann Augustus is now appealing for owners to tie up their dogs, following the latest in a series of dog attacks.

"My son's heartbroken,'' she said last night. "He was crying and I was trying to console him.

"He loved TT, he talked to him and he really tried to take care of him. "He told everyone: `Come see my rabbit'. All of the kids in the neighbourhood came to see TT. He was really cute. Some of them aren't even aware that he's gone yet.'' Theo was given TT two weeks ago by neighbour Mrs. Gloria Usher, as a reward for a good report card from Dellwood school.

"I heard a noise and ran outside, and the dogs were running off,'' said Mrs.

Augustus. "I heard the little rabbit screaming.

"I wonder how they did it so sneakily. It was really frightening.

"I reported it to the Police and they said if they find the owner of the dog they will be prosecuted.'' Two of the dogs had red collars, said Mrs. Augustus. Two of them were German Shepherds while one was white and wolf-like, she said.

"They came back about 10 minutes later, sniffing around for more, but they moved on fast.

"They were travelling in a pack, like a little army or something. They were wild.'' NO EASTER BUNNY -- Five-year-old Theo's pet rabbit has been taken by a pack of dogs.