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Driver banned until 1997

return to the roads until 1997.Perry Brendan Jones of Ord Road also admitted driving while disqualified and failing to stop for Police, when he appeared in Magistrates' Court.

return to the roads until 1997.

Perry Brendan Jones of Ord Road also admitted driving while disqualified and failing to stop for Police, when he appeared in Magistrates' Court.

All the offences occurred on February 5, when Police saw Jones go through a stop sign on Angle Street without stopping.

Prosecuting, acting Insp. Rex Osborne said Police pursued Jones at high speeds on Union, King, and other streets in the area before he fell off his motorcycle and ran.

Police caught Jones, who is a waiter at a local hotel, and found he was disqualified from driving until July 13, 1994. He was convicted of driving while disqualified in January.

Magistrate the Wor. John Judge fined Jones a total of $1,000 and gave him a three-month prison sentence, suspended for two years. He also disqualified him from driving for three more years, meaning that he cannot return to the roads until July 13, 1997.