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A Bermudian mini-Jurassic Park is packed with robust little reptiles.Southampton Island in Castle Harbour is home to a thriving population of hundreds of Bermuda's unique lizard -- the tiny skink. ----

A Bermudian mini-Jurassic Park is packed with robust little reptiles.

Southampton Island in Castle Harbour is home to a thriving population of hundreds of Bermuda's unique lizard -- the tiny skink. ---- Page 2 JASKSON TOUNEY TO BE SHOWN FNR GLF TEL Jackson tourney to be shown An hour-long television show highlighting the Samuel L. Jackson Celebrity Golf Classic held in Bermuda in May will receive its world premiere on the Island.---- Page 3 BUTTERFILED TAKES $20.6 CHARGE BUC Butterfield takes $20.6 charge The Bank of Butterfield took a one-time charge of $20.6 million on its earnings of $31 million from continuing operations, leaving it to declare a profit of $10.4 million for the year ended June 30. ---- Business, Page 24 CONSTRUCTION FACES LABOUR GAP BUC Construction faces labour gap The recent boom in construction could leave the industry gasping for labourers to keep up with demand. Industry experts predict that more imported labour will be required. ---- Business, Page 24 BLAKENEY PLAYS DOWN MVP TALK CRI Blakeney plays down MVP talk Glenn Blakeney's dashing batting displays will make him the leading contender for the Cup Match MVP award. But the St. George's batsman (left) -- who celebrated the birth of his daughter the night before Cup Match with knocks of 79 and 90 not out -- doesn't think he deserves the award more than either of the St. George's colts -- Herbie Bascome and Gary Brangman. ---- Sport, Page 19