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Hamilton Parish candidates keep close counsel

Would-be Hamilton Parish MPs are staying tight-lipped over their plans for the next General Election.

Potential candidates for both the United Bermuda Party and the Progressive Labour Party were keen not to rock the boat in advance of final decisions by party bosses.

The news came after reports suggested that ex-civil servant Randy Horton and former Bermuda Public Services Association chief Eugene Blakeney were set to contest the Hamilton West constituency, a seat currently held by UBP backbencher Maxwell Burgess and Transport Minister Wayne Furbert.

Mr. Horton said: "The reports are not entirely correct -- I'm surprised because no decision has been made by the branch.'' But he added: "I am interested. But I do not expect hear anything until the New Year.'' Mr. Blakeney -- a former PLP MP who, with lawyer Julian Hall, lost the twin seat to Mr. Burgess and Mr. Furbert at the 1993 General Election, referred all inquiries to Hamilton Parish branch chairman Winters Burgess.

The loss of the seat by the PLP in 1993 is widely regarded as having cost the party its first shot at power.

And it is expected to be a key battleground in the next General Election.

Hamilton East is held by Shadow Health and Social Services Minister Renee Webb and former PLP MP the Rev. Trevor Woolridge, now sitting as an Independent.

Mr. Woolridge resigned the party whip after being convicted of sexually assaulting a woman parishioner. The conviction was later overturned on appeal, but that Supreme Court decision is being taken to the Court of Appeal by the woman's lawyer, Saul Froomkin.

Reports also suggested Bermuda Industrial Union president Derrick Burgess could be set to launch a bid to follow his predecessor Ottiwell Simmons into the House of Assembly.

He said: "I don't know where these reports came from -- but if the branch wants me I would certainly consider it. But it's entirely up to them.'' United Bermuda Party insiders yesterday said reports that new Sen. Angelita Fox and Bermuda Telephone Company employee Francis Furbert up for Hamilton East were "mere speculation.'' One said: "Francis has run before and there is a possibility he will run again.

"And Angelita could be one of the persons considered. Neither can be ruled out, especially as they come from the area. Both could certainly be looked at in a positive light.'' UBP Hamilton East branch chairman Danny Outerbridge added that both would be considered -- along with other candidates.

But he said: "As far as I am concerned, no candidates have been adopted for Hamilton East. That's all I can say at this stage.

"But Mr. Furbert and Mrs. Fox are amongst a number of people who are being considered.''