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Helping hand for principals

formation of a Principal Leadership Centre. The first stage of the formation of the centre began at the Bermuda College Library last week when members of the Association of School Principals met with college officials.

Principal of Sandys Secondary School Mr. Melvyn Bassett said: "At the moment its more a concept as opposed to a facility.

"In time it should actually develop into a physical part of Bermuda College.'' The idea is based on similar centres in most American universities, including Harvard University, a centre attended by St. George's Secondary School principal Mr. Dale Butler.

Mr. Butler was the first Bermudian to attend the centre, he said: "This is at the forefront of educational change in the United States, and we expect the Bermuda College centre to be at the forefront of changes in Bermuda.'' Mr.

Bassett, Mr. Butler and Mrs. Beverly Thompson, principal of Elliott Primary School handed books and videos over to Bermuda College vice president Ms Solange Saltus and librarian Ms Daurene Aubrey.

Books included subjects like management techniques as well as magazines and journals for principals.

At present the college has no set plan for how the items will be used but they are expected to be open to anyone who wants to use them in the confines of the library.

Mr. Bassett said: "Today this is an effort to make this dream become a reality. The presentation of materials and resources will become an annual commitment.

"For the next phase we will be hoping to provide seminars specifically for people aspiring to be school principals. It is to encourage them to consider a career in teaching and ultimately become principal.'' Teachers are required to serve in the job for at least five years before they can become a principal but they must also have some experience of being in charge of a department or being a deputy.