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Is Bermuda Chelsea's real home?

Lady than anyone knows.Recently, a Bermudian couple were touring the White House with a friend who is an advisor to the President.During the tour of the executive wing, the couple met the President. On learning they were from Bermuda, the President recalled staying at Horizons & Cottages in Paget.

Lady than anyone knows.

Recently, a Bermudian couple were touring the White House with a friend who is an advisor to the President.

During the tour of the executive wing, the couple met the President. On learning they were from Bermuda, the President recalled staying at Horizons & Cottages in Paget.

"Hillary and I are very fond of Bermuda,'' the President told the couple.

"In fact, Chelsea (their 13-year-old daughter) was conceived at Horizons.'' The statement makes one wonder whether the President, who is being hounded by questions of marital infidelities, doesn't sometimes yearn for quieter days in Bermuda.

*** In politics, nothing is forever. And that, it seems, is more than true for the National Liberal Party.

The Party's December newsletter lays it on the line for its "life members''.

"Past members who were admitted as members for life will continue to be members until December 31, 1993,'' the newsletter reads, "by which time they should indicate on the form below whether or not they wish to be members in the future.'' *** Things have been a little up and down for sailor Nick Hull since he was airlifted into Bermuda last week.

Mr. Hull and two shipmates were plucked from his storm-tossed ketch Malachite during a daring helicopter rescue involving the US Coastguard. Since then they have been star guests at the Mariners Club in Hamilton and have made a lot of friends, despite arguing amongst themselves.

In fact Mr. Hull made such an impression on one young lady in the club that they were engaged to be married at the weekend.

Since then the shy young lady, who would only give her name as Mary, has decided she wants a little time to think about it.

Mr. Hull has returned home to Canada for a family Christmas but he is due to return to Bermuda in a couple of weeks.

*** Back on the NLP front, it seems leader Mr. Gilbert Darrell is still smarting from his defeat in the October election.

While Christmas is the time for goodwill toward men, Mr. Darrell in a "Season's Greetings'' message to Party members couldn't help but take a swipe at his erstwhile colleagues in the Progressive Labour Party.

"There is no doubt that the leadership of the PLP promised its supporters a Christmas present in the form of a change of government in the October election,'' he said, adding that the PLP failed to make good on its promise.

"The Christmas present can now be the change of leadership, a common practice in political parties when an election has been lost.'' But Mr. Darrell doubted the PLP could muster the will to change considering it has maintained "the same leadership for 30 years without ever being successful at the polls''.

PLP MP Mr. Alex Scott yesterday decided not to rise to Mr. Darrell's bait. He acknowledged his party members were disappointed in falling short of an election victory, but "we're thankful for the progress made and we feel we've turned the corner...

"Now is not the time to answer Mr. Darrell in kind but to wish everyone well including Mr. Darrell and the members of his party.''