Learn again to attract visitors
its tourism woes, it has been claimed.
Representatives from the Monitor Company, which is working to help the Island find solutions to its current tourism demise, said that the industry had to start learning again.
They said where once Bermuda was a world leader, it had stood still and was now in a position where it had to pick itself up and start again to build a new, shared vision.
Mike Fairbanks, of Massachusetts-based Monitor Company, told an audience of industry professionals, general public and PLP Leader Jennifer Smith, that Bermuda needed to sell a unique product which needed self-esteem.
"You are not in the position of being the world's best tourist destination, you were the best and you can be the best again,'' he said.
"You need to become so good at "doing tourism'', with your expert knowledge, so the rest of the world calls Bermuda to help them out.'' Mr. Fairbanks defended flak from Surf Side Beach Club president Michael R.
Naess, who raised the question of airfares that were too high, and asked if Monitor were going to answer that, instead of "ducking it like last time''.
He countered that the way forward was for Bermuda to make its holiday experience so good that the airfare became a small portion of a quality vacation.
"Prices are high but there are people in the US who can afford it, if they think the value is there on the other side,'' said Mr. Fairbanks.
Cornell Fubler raised the issue of attitude within the hospitality industry, where some employees were of the opinion that they were doing the customer a favour.
Joe Babiec, also of Monitor, said there was a need for better training and involvement of workers, so they became part of the product and had a stake in what was being delivered to the visitor.