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Lister to limit size of Marlin catch

Legislation limiting catches of blue and white marlin will be introduced soon by Environment Minister Terry Lister.

Mr. Lister recently returned from the 12th special meeting of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas, and on Friday told MPs of the commission's findings.

The international body is a regional fisheries management body concerned with tunas and tuna-like species in the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea.

Mr. Lister said: "As many will have noted from the recently published catch and effort statistics, Bermuda is highly reliant on species such as wahoo and tuna. To this end, it is vital that we remain concerned with the management of these stocks in order to ensure our continued access to these important marine natural resources.'' Last year, Bermuda's fishermen landed nearly 420,000 pounds of Tuna and related species.

The meeting also dealt with other species important to Bermuda -- swordfish -- namely the White and Blue Marlin.

During this year, scientists met to asses the state of stocks of these species.

He said: "After much negotiating, it was agreed that all Contracting Parties will, in 2001, put into force legislation establishing the minimum sizes for the retention of Marlins as well as the enforcement of catch limits.'' Mr. Lister said he would be introducing legislation that will address this matter and ensure Bermuda's continued compliance with ICCAT measures.

The United Kingdom Overseas Territories, inclusive of Bermuda, continues to maintain a quota for swordfish of 24 metric tonnes for each of the next two years, during which time the stock will be reassessed with a view to setting new catch limits at the 2002 ICCAT meeting.