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Local firm in pact with ASI

recently that it has formed a strategic partnership with accounting and financial systems consortium Accounting Systems International -- which will provide Bermuda's SunSystem's users with sophisticated systems consolidation capabilities and reporting technology.

The partnership, will increase BSL's systems integration service with ASI's extensive financial and insurance/reinsurance experience.

More than 8,000 users in 144 countries worldwide subscribe to SunSystems software. This "open system'' accounting software with client/server capabilities allows interoperatability across all major platforms, such as Novell, all PC operating systems, UNIX and RISC systems.

Mr. Weare said that this move is unprecedented and upward.

"This partnership will bring the Island's businesses an unprecedented financial systems expertise and global management capability,'' he said. Vice Chairman of the ASI board, and President of Niche Systems, Inc., ASI's New York member, Mr. Sawar Kashmiri said: "Working with BSL assures ASI's global offices and client base of the highest quality of service in Bermuda, which is a centre for the world's global insurance/reinsurance industry.'' The partnership will be managed for ADI by Niche Systems, Inc., with the assistance of ASI's Brussels member, Systems Advisers SPRL.

The alliance will offer Bermuda's SunSystems users the following services, beginning immediately: customised SunSystems workshops for management; SQL and special reporting workshops for financial and MIS staff; insurance/reinsurance systems seminars in leading cities throughout the world; financial systems consulting projects to implement Shared Transaction Services and to optimise the setup of SunSystems in reinsurance firms -- especially captive management companies.