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Man fined over public scuffle

visiting Jamaican Prime Minister P.J. Patterson and several Cabinet members has cost a Pembroke man $900.

Acting Senior Magistrate Edward King fined Anthony Joseph Pitcher for damaging VSB cameraman Donald Wellman's pants and a VSB camera on October 29 last year.

Pitcher, 35, of Elliot Street, denied assaulting Mr. Wellman but admitted causing $62 damage to the trousers and less than $60 worth of damage to the camera.

Crown counsel Graveney Bannister offered no evidence on the assault charge.

Mr. King heard that at about 4 p.m. that day, the Premier and Prime Minister had just finished a press conference at the Progressive Labour Party headquarters, Alaska Hall, on Court Street.

Mr. Bannister said in October, Pitcher was the estranged husband of Mr.

Wellman's sister -- although they are now divorced.

Pitcher approached Mr. Wellman, who was packing up his camera equipment, and threw a punch, which caused the camera to drop.

He put Mr. Wellman in a head lock and shouted: "Where's my stuff? Where's my stuff?'' At that point the cameraman -- who was now spitting blood -- pulled a utility knife from out of an equipment bag, forcing Pitcher to end the attack.

Both men were later arrested and taken to Hamilton Police Station for questioning.

When he was charged with assault and damaging property, Pitcher replied: "That guy took my stuff I made. I was making a citizens arrest to bring him to the Police Station.'' Mr. Bannister said Pitcher refused to make any further statements.

Pitcher's lawyer Elizabeth Christopher told Mr. King he was concerned Mr.

Wellman had taken nearly $20,000 in computer equipment from Pitcher's apartment while he was abroad in early October.

She said he was confused as to his rights when pressing charges against Mr.

Wellman and Police were reluctant to pursue any charges.

"Mr. Pitcher did respond to a shove by Wellman with a shove of his own which caused the equipment to drop,'' Ms Christopher said. "He appreciates now, more than ever, the seriousness of the event. We are asking for some leniency in this matter.'' But Mr. King took a dim view of the altercation, saying: "He could not have been attempting a citizens arrest. You're at loggerheads with someone and you tell Police you're arresting somebody? "No! He was taking the law in his own hands which must be discouraged. I fine him $450 on each count of damaging property. Pay by 31 July or 120 days default in prison.''