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Meeting to focus on boys' issues

At the meeting, called Boys-to-Men, parish ministers representing several Christian denominations will discuss the "church perspective'' and the church's role in a young man's life.

the future of Bermudian boys.

At the meeting, called Boys-to-Men, parish ministers representing several Christian denominations will discuss the "church perspective'' and the church's role in a young man's life.

Mr. Butler said: "When I was canvassing, parents expressed concerns about their boys.

"It's a very wide ranging comprehensive topic that touches all members of the public. I share the concern with the community because our boys are not achieving as much as they could.'' Mr. Butler said boys are often seen in a negative role and are not seen achieving as much as their female counterparts.

The meeting will be held at St. Mary's Church Hall at 7.30 p.m. and all members of the public are invited.

Mr. Butler stressed the meeting is not politically orientated and is an open invitation for frank questions and discussions about Bermudian boys.