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Middle managers unite to form new union

Bermuda now has a third union created solely to further and protect the interest of middle managers.

A spokesman yesterday said an interim national executive was currently heading the Bermuda Managers' Association.

And the committee plans to target managers in the hospitality and tourism industry for development and recruitment.

One of the first presenations will be held next Thursday at the Vernon Temple Church Hall in Southampton.

The BMA's emergence comes weeks after the Labour Advisory Council of International Labour Organisation recommended Government amend legislation to allow middle manager union representation.

"As we move into the 21st century, it is apparent that there are issues new and old needing urgent redress,'' stated a press release from the newly formed Bermuda Managers' Association.

"As a proactive Association, working for the economic and social benefit of its collective membership, we pledge our commitment to the strengthening of Bermuda's burgeoning and under-represented management through an aggressive forging of international standards of equity and professionalism... working with Executive Management, unions, national, as well as international and Government, we are showing our commitment to a New Bermuda.'' An accompanying pyramid diagram showed members placed at the top of the hierarchy, with the three sectors of hospitality and tourism, retail and financial services, and utilities and technology in the middle tier.

The first and second presidents, president, treasurer, and general secretary form the base.