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MP calls for Gov't to `Come clean' over plans for college

Government has been told to "come clean'' over its plans for Bermuda College.The call came from Shadow Education Minister Ms Jennifer Smith.

Government has been told to "come clean'' over its plans for Bermuda College.

The call came from Shadow Education Minister Ms Jennifer Smith.

She said the college's future had been thrown into doubt by plans to split Stonington Campus into two zones.

The site is divided into "institutional and tourism'' zones under the Bermuda Development Plan -- a blueprint for the Island's future.

Land on which Stonington Beach Hotel sits is deemed a tourism zone under the plan.

But earlier this month the college's president Dr. George Cook argued no distinction should be drawn between the hotel and the college.

The Stonington Campus was a "single site'', he told a tribunal reviewing objections to the Bermuda Plan.

And he warned double zoning would limit the college's ability to meet Bermuda's educational and training needs.

Ms Smith backed Dr. Cook's fears, adding: "Double zoning is just another instance of the UBP Government's double standards.'' Ms Smith voiced concern Education Minister the Hon. Clarence Terceira had not discussed the college's zoning with the Environment Minister the Hon. Gerald Simons.

"I am constantly amazed by the lack of contact and cooperation between Government Ministers.

"One hand doesn't seem to know what the other is doing. On the one hand there is Dr. Cook appearing before the planning appeals tribunal to plead the college's case so it can be designated under the umbrella head of `institutional'.

"Yet, where is the back-up from the Minister of Education?'' Ms Smith continued: "Given the history of the college and its antecedents, the ambivalence and reluctance exhibited by the Cabinet Ministers to take the lead is baffling.

"I recall when the Stonington property was first purchased, Government had made statements assuring the public, whose funds had built the facilities, that although the hotel training facility was being built first, the whole area was to be used for the Bermuda College facility.'' She said Dr. Terceira's silence over zoning gave the impression Government had "unrevealed'' plans for Stonington Hotel, which did not include the college.

"The college has a very critical and valuable role to play given that it allows so many young people who might not otherwise be able to afford it to have access to post-secondary education.

"The UBP Government by casting this doubt and uncertainty over the future of the college does an injustice to those young people who rely on its facilities.'' Ms Smith said the Progressive Labour Party wanted the UBP to "come clean'' over its motives for double zoning. PHOTO Ms Jennifer Smith.