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website has been launched to operate in conjunction with it.The website, www.islandpropertynews.com, has been launched by publishers Property News Ltd. as a user-friend website for realtors to post listings and for users to navigate.

website has been launched to operate in conjunction with it.

The website, www.islandpropertynews.com, has been launched by publishers Property News Ltd. as a user-friend website for realtors to post listings and for users to navigate. Developed to complement the print version of Island Property News, which has been serving the Bermuda real estate community and home buyers since 1986, the website features listings of real estate for sale and rent. The home page links to various pages including realtor information and postings, PDF files of the current IPN version, contact information, and content provider information and application forms.

Web users can access the site through either www.islandpropertynews.com, www.propertynews.bm and www.IPN.bm. Web users will also be able to access IPN through Logic's newly designed web site wwww.surfbermuda.com.

The site has been added to Logic's portal site as its sole real estate section -- giving exposure to high traffic. All listings are sorted by property name, category, date posted, price or realtor. Subscribing realtors may list unlimited numbers of properties on the site. They may also add, edit and delete existing listings at any time.

The company, owned by PR Ltd. whose major shareholder is Trish Lines , aims to eventually offer banner advertising opportunities to real estate agencies and related services.

TRIO ON THE WAY UP APP Trio on the way up Schroders (Bermuda) Ltd. has announced three promotions in its investment management department. Executive vice president Peter Everson noted the company has grown from 28 staff in 1997 to its current 32 staff and continued growth is anticipated over the next few years.

"Schroders has enjoyed a very successful record thanks to its global staff -- and the recent sale of the investment banking division of Schroders plc is expected to provide additional opportunities for the local company. The company has in excess of $3 billion under management.

Scott Burns who has been with the company since 1996 was promoted to assistant manager-private equity.

He specialises in US tax compliance and North American funds management.

Andrew Richardson who has worked with the company since 1997 was promoted to assistant manager -- private equity.

He specialises in private equity management of N. American funds.

And Diane Moore has also been promoted to assistant manager-private equity; she specialises in Asian funds management.

Commenting, Mr. Everson said, "Since the establishment of the investment management department as a separate department in 1995, all the team members have been Bermudian. The success of the team is a credit to the individuals and underlines the importance of team work.'' DESIGNS ON SUCCESS APP Designs on success The Matcham & Matcham Design firm has announced the appointment of Bermudian Sean Collier as a senior graphic designer within their creative team. Sean, a graduate (with Honours) of the Savannah College of Art & Design, Georgia, has already established a name for himself within the industry, with his edgy designs in web, print and multi-media-based applications.

A company spokesperson said his talents had most recently been recognised by the Bermuda Telephone Company, who chose him winner of their annual phone book cover design competition, where he beat out the competition with his piece titled `Digivision'. About 40 contestants vied for the cover, which Sean successfully won with his contemporary digital illustration, an interpretive piece on the new millennium.

Sean previously worked at Logic Communications as a senior graphic designer and web developer. Here he created much of Logic's look, including their Internet Connection Kit on CD ROM, as well as their Internet Guide in last year's telephone book, while also designing and developing many of their more popular web sites.

In addition, he has practical experience in the field of television broadcast, designing and producing dynamic commercials on his computer, the like of which can be seen on local TV with the recent Bang Bang Hair Salon commercial.

*** If you would like to make a submission to Company Moves, which runs each Friday, please fax to the attention of Marina Esplin-Jones at 292-2498 or e-mail business y gazette.newsmedia.bm.

S. Burns A. Richardson D. Moore