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Police seek boat blast witnesses

Around 3 a.m. on August 26, an explosion was reported on board the 47-foot charter boat Maranda which had been moored alongside the dock at Grotto Bay Hotel.

Causeway to come forward.

Around 3 a.m. on August 26, an explosion was reported on board the 47-foot charter boat Maranda which had been moored alongside the dock at Grotto Bay Hotel.

Police yesterday said a man, who was seen in a pale blue kayak in the area after the incident, had already come forward as a result of an initial appeal.

But investigators would like to speak to anyone else who may be able to offer further help with the inquiry. They are asked to contact P.c. Reg Horseman on 295-0011.

APPEAL LAUNCHED FOR RESEARCH GEAR SCI Appeal launched for research gear An appeal has been launched to raise money to buy new research equipment for the Bermuda Biological Station.

The United States Government has offered the station $225,000 towards the cost of a mass spectrometer, which breaks molecules down into their component parts, plus a new scientific storage area.

However, the grant is dependent on the station itself raising $100,000, although an anonymous benefactor has stepped in offering to match dollar for dollar every pledge made.

"This is a unique opportunity for friends and supporters of the station to make a major impact on the research facilities of the Bio Station and we would invite people to make their contributions,'' said spokeswoman Ms. Brenda Schuster.

Pledges can be made by calling 297-1880 ext. 113.

Fight leaves man with head injuries Police are investigating an attack on a 32-year-old Smith's Parish man which left him with head injuries.

The man was taken to King Edward VII Memorial Hospital following a fight with another man at a house in Devonshire.

A 20-year-old Warwick man has been arrested in connection with the incident which occurred around 11 p.m. on Wednesday.