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Property owner is surprised by DAB application

been filed with the Planning Department without the knowledge of the home's owner, The Royal Gazette learned yesterday.

Mrs. Frances Crockwell of Mangrove Lake Rest Home and Day Care in Smith's Parish, applied to alter the use of a Rural Drive house. The home, Verdmont Cottage, belongs to Mrs. Sybil Young.

Mrs. Young, who does not live in the cottage, said yesterday that neither she nor her husband knew about the application.

"I just came back from England this morning. I own the house, but I don't know one end of a hospital from the other,'' she said, adding that the cottage is up for sale.

The notice by Mrs. Frances Crockwell was published in Mrs. Young's name in the official gazette and The Royal Gazette yesterday.

The formal application form requires that: "If (the document is) signed by anyone other than the owner of the land, this application must be accompanied by a letter signed by the owner stating that he is aware that this application is being made.'' No letter was attached.

Mrs. Crockwell has not applied to build on to the seven-bedroom house in any way. Her application is only to change the property's zoning.

The agents who signed the application are Hallett, Whitney & Patton. Mrs.

Crockwell could not be reached for comment.