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Put Police sub-station in Admiralty Park, says MP

An Opposition MP has called for a Police Task Force to crack down on gangs dealing drugs in Admiralty Park.

And he suggested setting up a Police sub-station in the area.

Pembroke West MP Gary Pitman yesterday told The Royal Gazette : "The drugs dealers are winning the war. It's time to take back our park.'' Park users had complained of round-the-clock drug dealing, swearing, vicious dogs, prostitution and fights just yards from CJ's summer kids camp.

Police spokesman Evelyn James Barnett said Police had addressed the problem by mounting two raids on the area in the last four weeks and by sending regular patrols. But Mr. Pitman said that wasn't enough.

He said: "The dealers are sophisticated and have surveillance equipment so it's a very tricky situation.

"What we need is a mini cleansweep with the Task Force to go in along with plain clothes officers. They have ways and means with high-tech surveillance so they would know when to hit.'' He said he has written to Government Information Services Minister Terry Lister, Police Commissioner Jean Jacques-Lemay, and Acting Parks Director Candy Foggo to set up a meeting about the problem.

He suggested using spare space in the Senior Islanders Club to set up a Police sub station to establish a permanent Police presence in the park.

"We had a meeting last November with the Police about the drugs problem and we were expecting great things, but not a lot has been done,'' he said.

Mr. Pitman said the park was becoming a no-go area for some families reluctant to take their kids near swearing gangs of youths.

But he said other houses dotted round the area were also known for drug dealing and that Spanish Point Park was also affected.

He said: "Everyone knows it's going on. It's been going on over a number of years but the problem is being able to catch the dealers.

"They use mirrors placed along the road to spot anyone coming.'' The owners of CJ's summer camp are searching for a new site to get away from the dealers. But the owners refused to comment.

Another park user said: "There are cars and trucks going in and out all day long, stopping for a couple of minutes to make the deal and then shooting off.

"What amazes me is the amount of work vans I see going in there which means people are buying the drugs while on the job.''