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Reporters notebook

Mr. Bush, who will stay at Chelston, the home of the US consul general, is expected to spend most of his time at the Mid Ocean Club where he will enjoy his privileges as an overseas member.

Just two weeks ago, former Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau was here with two of his sons, Justin and Sasha. And in February, former Canadian Prime Minister Kim Campbell spent a few days at Cambridge Beaches.

* * * AS Brian Lara steadied himself to score the runs that would make him the highest individual scorer in Test cricket, the world held its breath.

And that historic moment, when Lara crashed the ball away for four runs to pass Sir Gary Sobers' 365, meant a number of very important events had to wait -- including a PLP press conference at the Leopard's Club to discuss the treatment by Police of a young man accused of making a phone call threatening the life of the Queen.

At the scheduled conference time journalists were still glued to the TV in the bar.

Warwick West MP Dr. Ewart Brown found the lost media and suggested the conference should begin but then glanced at the TV. "How many does he need?'' asked the Shadow Youth and Sports Minister.

Sensing mutiny if he started the meeting with only a couple minutes to the historical moment he settled down to watch it himself.

* * * GARBLING words is something we all experience from time to time, even the best of speakers.

On Monday morning, VSB Radio listeners heard one of the Island's best -- the Rev. Vernon Lambe Sr, overseer of the First Churches of God -- stumble in his point-making.

The news story was about one of Rev. Lambe's churches showing the controversial film "AIDS: What You Haven't Been Told'' last Saturday. Rev.

Lambe, in arguing the merits of showing the film, also spoke against a Canadian-based hard-core, pornographic movie channel.

But in making the point, the Reverend undercut the gravity of his words by referring to the notorious movie service as that "hard pore corn channel''.