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Robbery hearing

of robbery and using personal violence -- but an alleged accomplice remains on the run.Keenan Tucker, 28, of Tankard Lane, has been indicted and will face a Magistrate into whether he robbed Cecil Eversly Darrell on August 19.

of robbery and using personal violence -- but an alleged accomplice remains on the run.

Keenan Tucker, 28, of Tankard Lane, has been indicted and will face a Magistrate into whether he robbed Cecil Eversly Darrell on August 19.

But it is understood that Police are still looking for Keeman Grant, 30, of T'ween Walls, Sandys, after he disappeared while on Police bail. Warrants have been issued.

After having his $3,000 bail extended by Senior Magistrate Archibald Warner, Tucker walked past the media bench on Friday pointing at reporters, saying: "Don't put that in the papers!'' Preliminary inquiries are hearings in which Magistrates decide if there is enough "prima facie'' evidence for a person to face a charge before a judge and jury.

Magistrates have enough power to discharge a person such indictments for want of enough evidence -- including alibis.

Tucker is represented by lawyer Larry Scott.