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Schoolyard bullies given warning

teenage son was yesterday fined $400.And Senior Magistrate the Wor. Will Francis warned that anyone going on school grounds and "roughing up'' students will be dealt with "very severely''.

teenage son was yesterday fined $400.

And Senior Magistrate the Wor. Will Francis warned that anyone going on school grounds and "roughing up'' students will be dealt with "very severely''.

The court heard that 19-year-old Michael Robinson, of West Park Lane, went to Berkeley Institute on March 15 and punched student Belcario Thomas in the eye causing him to lose his sight for five hours.

As Thomas lay bleeding, Robinson stood over him and challenged him to fight back.

Prosecutor Sgt. Kenrick James said Thomas required five stitches and treatment for his left eye.

Robinson said he was defending his younger cousin who was a student at Berkeley and who he claimed Thomas picked on during a basketball practice.

"I know it was wrong to hit him,'' Robinson said. "But I saw him hit him after I told him not to do it. Being he is older than my cousin, I hit him.'' But Mr. Francis did not accept the explanation of unemployed Robinson, who the court heard often loitered around Berkeley.

"I take a very dim view of anybody like you going on to school grounds and roughing up students,'' he said. "And I want it known that any of you fellows going on school grounds roughing up students will be dealt with very severely.''