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Sherratt cries foul over diaperless horses

Unruly operators of horse and carriages are bugging Corporation of Hamilton secretary Roger Sherratt.

He said three or four were flouting a gentleman's agreement to stay out of rush hour traffic and he is threatening to bring in a city ordinance if they do not stay away.

Mr. Sherratt also said several buggy drivers were dumping manure once they were outside the city limits.

"I've had several dozen calls from motorists this year, saying they have got stuck in a long line of traffic behind one of these buggies,'' he said.

"It's frustrating for motorists and something has got to be done about it.

"Carriage drivers are put on notice that if we continue to get complaints, then we will be introducing a city ordinance banning them from the streets of Hamilton during rush hour.

"I've also had an increase in complaints from people just outside Hamilton complaining about horse droppings, as well as a few complaints about it in the city.

"Carriages owners are required by law to fit diapers to their horses in the city but we've heard that some operators are emptying them when they get just outside the city.'' It is thought only three or four of the Islands 20 or so horse and carriage drivers are responsible.

And it is believed the Government are considering an Island-wide law requiring diapers to be kept on at all times.

Streets affected include Pitts Bay Road, Richmond Road, Serpentine Road and Rosemont Avenue.

Mr. Sherratt added: "If anyone sees a buggy horse fouling the pavement, they should get the buggy driver's number and give us a call.'' HORSES RAH