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Simmons hopes for harmony

night said he hoped by next November the United Bermuda Party would be willing to admit that the Progressive Labour Party were doing a good job at as the Government.

"We're setting our standards high.'' he said, "High economic standards, high moral standards, high political standards.'' "November 2000 we are going to be here celebrating our second anniversary as the Government and I hope that at that time, the UBP will be so satisfied with our performance that they will contribute a piece to our anniversary cake, making it larger than the PLP one we had this year, and it can read `Harmony In Politics At Last'.

"I look forward to the UBP reaching the reality that the PLP are doing a fine job,'' he said.

Mr. Simmons' remarks came at the end of a statement where he explained that the Government have been "building their confidence as a Government'' for the past year.

"In celebrating our first anniversary we recognise that we are a Government who would do for the people who have never had the right things done for them.'' he said.

"We have deliberate plans and this first year was our pilot programme where we got a good feel for our responsibilities.'' he continued.

"We are now feeling good and have won the hearts and minds and confidence of the people, and I'm not being braggadocios.'' he noted. "We've seen a lot of anti PLP and non PLP supporters not only on our doorstep but around our dinner tables.

"I am expecting to see a new Bermuda evolve naturally.'' he said.

"We have looked at education and intend to do something positive and substantive to change attitudes of parents and the community and we will do it in a way that's never been done before.'' Mr. Simmons also noted the Government will be aiming to increase the standard of living for all.

"We are going to be looking at those sitting on the walls, loitering under trees and congregating around the place.'' he said.

"And we will not do it by cutting down the trees and knocking down walls but by developing programmes to enhance their quality of life.'' In closing the debate on the second PLP Throne Speech, Premier Jennifer Smith said her ministers and backbenchers had done an "admirable'' job in defending the speech.

She called Opposition comments about the speech "some wonderful 20/20 vision'' and said her Government had "given notice that all these things are being done and will be done skillfully and quietly in the trenches''.

"My fellow ministers have given voice to those actions that we have seen in the Throne Speech,'' she said. "We have shown that we are in the second step in the restructuring and rebuilding process.''